Teaching through the Bible
Every Sunday we bring a message of hope.
The only hope to be found in Jesus.
Worship Service
Sunday 10:00 am
In person and online
Online Worship Service
Online Worship Service
Church of the Hills embraces the beauty of a traditional reformed worship. We may be traditional in our service, but no need to worry about what you are wearing; jeans look great with everything! We are simply happy to have you with us as we worship our faithful God. We ask that you please stay home if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. In-person worship is only possible if we remain wise. The Session, in accordance with state and county guidelines, will no longer require social distancing in the Sanctuary.
Previous Sermons

Sunday Worship Services
Videos of prior services are available on
our YouTube channel.
Chancel Choir
Join our wonderful group who sing their hearts out during Sunday worship. Contact Nancy Church for information –nancy@churchofthehills.com