Community Outreach
Overnight Shelter Program
The Overnight Shelter Program, part of Evergreen Christian Outreach, is an interfaith ministry which provides shelter, meals, showers and laundry service for people without homes. It is located on the lower level of the church. Church of the Hills is one of the supporting congregations that have been involved in the development of this ministry.
This is a great opportunity to provide a warm welcome, a safe shelter out of the cold, and a path forward. For more information, or to volunteer, contact tim@evergreenchristianoutreach.org

On the first Sunday of each month starting October 1st through the closing of the shelter, COTH will provide and serve a meal to shelter guests. We will start prepping the dinner around 4:30 pm. Supper is served at 6:30 pm. If you would like to help with preparation and/or serving please let Julia Molden know. This will be a great way to be a part of the shelter program located in our basement and to help our community.

Evergreen Christian Outreach
Evergreen Christian Outreach (EChO) offers goods and services to local families in need. In addition to items like groceries, food and clothing, EChO offers short-term assistance, mentoring and prayer support.
Church of the Hills has consistently supported Evergreen Christian Outreach not only through donations of food, but contributions of cash and volunteer hours.
EChO is much more than a food bank. It not only provides food for the clients, but Evergreen Christian Outreach also assists with rent or mortgages, utilities, gas, auto repair, insurance, phone bills, medications, child care and a variety of educational opportunities. There is a job center to help the unemployed to become self-sufficient and the under-employed to get higher paying jobs. EChO offers a variety of workshops including interviewing, resume’ writing, and budgeting.
The first Monday of every month is our food drive- CHURCH OF THE HILLS parking lot (28628 S. Buffalo Park Rd. ) – 11 AM. Please bag or box items for easy delivery. Call the Church at 303-674-6641 if you have questions. You can deliver directly to the ECHO Food Bank, The Place – 27886 Meadow Drive (corner of Highway 74 and Meadow Drive).
Building Use
An important and ongoing mission of COTH is opening our doors to the community. Diverse groups and individuals have used our building, some free of charge, for meetings, classes, recitals, meals, etc. The groups now include: Alcoholics Anonymous, a scout troop, and the new group People Comforters. People Comforters members make beautiful quilts and other items for people in need, including those served by the Jefferson County Sheriffs Department.
If you would like to help the Building and Grounds Commitee, please send an email to peggy@churchofthehills.com or call 303-674-6641

Resilience1220 provides free counseling services to youth ages 12-20 in the mountain communities west of Denver. Through counseling, support groups, and community outreach, we work to raise awareness of the social, emotional, and mental health issues young adults face, and to provide the necessary life skills to create wellness and resiliency in their lives.
Global Outreach
Pura Vida Ministries
Pura Vida Ministries is working to promote health and education in the Quiché department of Guatemala. The mission of Pura Vida is to facilitate the sharing of First World resources with Third World communities in a meaningful, respectful, and long-term way. Its primary focus is on providing educational opportunities for children in rural villages through scholarships, tutoring, and support of local schools. COTH has supported in various ways the educational work of Pura Vida in Guatemala since 2014: by contributing to the unsponsored student fund so critical to their on-going work, by individuals sponsoring students so that they can get an education, by funding the many supplies that are needed for an English Camp, by coming to a work session to compile materials.

Sponsorship of students involves sending funds for your student's education and related costs to attend school. In addition, correspondence between the sponsors and the students allows each to get better acquainted and to know how both are doing. A sponsor who goes to Guatemala gets to have a personal visit with sponsored students and members of their families. The website has more information about sponsoring a student or signing up as a volunteer for the English camp.

Samaritan's Purse
Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child (OCC) provides shoebox gifts to children in need around the world. These shoeboxes serve as a tangible way to share God’s love. OCC partners with local churches to share the Gospel with children who have never heard it. OCC is a project of Samaritan’s Purse, a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, Samaritan’s Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Alternative Gift Fair​
COTH has continued to support this fair which is a remarkable and far reaching annual event. The two-day fair hosts 45-50 non-profit organizations which represent programs throughout the world including the U.S., Haiti, Guatemala, Brazil, Peru, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Malawi, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. The money collected and awareness raised at this event improves countless lives worldwide. Come in November to buy your gifts!

Rooted Wisdom Africa​
Rooted Wisdom Africa aims to empower children and families in rural Uganda to rise above the constraints of poverty through education and business development.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance​
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance enables congregations and mission partners of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to witness to the healing love of Christ through caring for communities adversely affected by crises and catastrophic events.
Special PCUSA Offerings
Since COTH is a connectional church, a portion of our mission budget is allocated to the Presbytery of Denver, the Synod of the Rocky Mountains, and the PCUSA General Assembly to support a multitude of Church wide (local and international) mission projects. The Love in Action Team coordinates three PCUSA special offerings annually, as well as regularly donates to PCUSA Missions and Denver Presbytery.
One Great Hour of Sharing: Promoted and received during the season of Lent.
Pentecost Offering: Promoted and received on Pentecost Sunday. 40% designated by COTH to support Resilience 1220, a program to provide counseling for youth in our community.
Peace & Global Witness Offering: Promoted during A Season of Peace (September) and received on World Communion Sunday (the first Sunday in October). 25% is designated by COTH to support Pura Vida
Opportunities for COTH to Serve You
Scholarship Opportunity Available
If a friend, member or employee would like to pursue continuing education or to attend a camp or retreat that would be beneficial to the Church, a $500 scholarship is available through the Love in Action committee. A generous donor has provided funds for these opportunities. If you are interested, please contact Peggy Farnham at peggy@churchofthehills.com or fill out the application, which sets forth eligibility requirements, at this link: